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  • What's new

Same API, New Tricks: Get Event Notifications Just In Time With Webhooks

So, I had a few thoughts while working on this update to the API – and maybe you’ve had them, too: Webhooks are great! Everyone should use them. Having the same data across similar APIs and JSON payload are a time saver.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • What's new

Cheat Sheet: What You Should Know About Dedicated IPs

Yesterday, I got to share some screen time with Anton to share all the things about dedicated IPs and email reputation. But really, we were just excited to share our feline findings from an afternoon well spent down the Google rabbit hole. I mean, isn’t this just puurfect?

Lawrence Norton
3 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Launches Automated IP Warm Up Service

Today, we’re happy to share that there’s a new, automated way to prepare your dedicated IPs to send email through Mailgun. If you’ve ever had to warm up an IP manually, you know how much it sucks: prep then send specific volumes of email every hour and increase the volume thereafter. You’re an F-Zero pilot, constantly challenging your reflexes – and sweating bullets in the process – because you can hit the brake too late and go overboard. It’s a pain, and it’s also really easy to screw up.

Anton Efimenko
4 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Security Incident And Important Customer Information

On January 3, 2018, Mailgun became aware of an incident in which a customer’s API key was compromised and immediately began diagnostics to help determine the cause and the scope of impact.

Josh Odom
2 min read
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How Quickly Can Mailgun Process My Messages? Introducing The Rapid Fire Delivery SLA

This was originally published on November 2, 2017. For big senders, getting a lot of messages out the door in a very short period of time can be especially challenging. Once your message is set up, you want it to reach inboxes in seconds, not hours, and we want to make sure that happens.

Josh Odom
6 min read
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Announcing New Analytics Features To Maximize Your Email Performance

We often emphasize the importance of sending more engaging emails. It helps your emails get delivered, keeps you out of spam folders, boosts open rates and clicks, and makes for happy customers. But without the right reporting tools, it can be pretty hard to tell how engaging your emails really are.

Josh Odom
5 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Announces Improvements To Logs Feature To Increase Visibility Into Deliverability Problems

Since the launch of Mailgun, our logs feature has become one of the most popular aspects of our platform according to customers because of how valuable it is for troubleshooting delivery issues. Unlike other email service providers that expect you to develop your own retention and search system, we’ve gone to great lengths to engineer a scalable service that allows near real-time visibility into the entire delivery pipeline.

Josh Odom
3 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Rolls Out Changes To Email Validation API Including New Features And Pricing Model

This was originally announced on June 27, 2017. For current pricing and email validation features, please check our pricing and email validations pages.

Josh Odom
4 min read
  • What's new

Interested In Learning A New Language? Mailgun Is Too!

Despite rapid changes in how users communicate with one another, email has remained the most ubiquitous form of communication on the Internet. Other channels like instant messaging have grown in popularity and usage but ultimately serve to supplement email rather than replace it. This is due to the open standards and extensibility of the SMTP protocol that has allowed for continual advancement while still maintaining backwards compatibility.

Josh Odom
3 min read
  • What's new

Analyze And Optimize Engagement With The New Campaigns

This was originally announced on March 28, 2017. Today we’re excited to introduce our new campaigns feature. Campaigns give developers and product teams the ability to better understand the performance and engagement of the messages that are being sent through Mailgun.

Josh Odom
3 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Becomes An Independent Company

Originally Published on February 22, 2017. Today, we’re excited to announce that Mailgun has once again become an independent company! Despite this change in ownership, our commitment to building the best email automation service for developers hasn’t changed. From the beginning, our focus has been about putting the developer first and while we will continue to build around this foundation it remains central to our vision for Mailgun.

William Conway
2 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Launches New Reporting Dashboard

Today, we’re excited to launch the new reporting section of the Mailgun dashboard. Our goal was to develop a new set of reports to provide better visibility into the messages that are being sent through the Mailgun service.

Josh Odom
3 min read

61 - 72 out of 128 items

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