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We stand with the AAPI community

The rising violence against our Asian-American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) community is a painful and urgent reminder that we must unite against racism in all its forms. Pathwire condemns any acts of violence, prejudice, or discrimination toward any group, and supports all efforts to end hatred of any kind. To achieve this, we must fight discrimination, bias, and racism in all forms. 

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Validations Features Improved Performance for EU Customers

We are excited to announce that Mailgun Validations are now available in the EU. Our validations service was already the fastest and most accurate in the industry, and now our EU customers can enjoy even better performance than they were seeing before.  

Peter Trinder
2 min read
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International Women’s Day: How Pathwire’s Female Leaders Choose To Challenge

Today is so much more than the start of another week – it’s International Women’s Day! It’s a day to celebrate all the accomplishments of women across the globe (big or small) and to push for more and better. At every moment, women around the world are choosing to challenge expectations, misconceptions, and their own limitations at work and outside work – and the amazing women of Pathwire are no different.

Beatriz Redondo Tejedor
10 min read
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Say Hello to Pathwire

The day has finally come! Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Pathwire, our new parent brand, and unveil a slightly refreshed look and feel for Mailgun, which you’ll see evolving over the months to come.

William Conway
5 min read
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Mailpets: For The Love Of Animals

For almost two years now, Mailgun has posted a pet picture onto our social media accounts on Fridays. #Furbabyfriday, as it was dubbed by me, has somehow become a tradition within those two years, alongside the enduring Mailpets channel. It’s crazy to think about what I thought would be a short-lived social media campaign turned into a culture staple that’s still going strong today.

Natalie Hays
3 min read
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Catch-All Domain Support Is Now Available In Email Validations

Here at Mailgun, our focus has always been on creating solutions that solve problems big and small… and this philosophy doesn’t stop at email validations. We wanted to make it easier to identify different types of addresses through our validation services, and we are pleased to announce that catch-all domain support is now available through Mailgun email validations.

Peter Trinder
4 min read
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Mailgun Just Got Better For Client Management

Here at Mailgun, our main focus is making an Email Sending Platform (ESP) that is scalable and highly integrable so our customers can start sending email as quickly as possible. While we make it easy to get new projects started, managing a large number of client domains can quickly become challenging on any ESP. After speaking directly with some of our highest-volume customers, we’ve come up with a couple of solutions for better client management.

Chris Farmer
5 min read
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Our Values In Action

Where do you start when planning for the future in the midst of a pandemic? Where do you look when there’s no rule book, no recent history to research, and no best practices floating around on the internet? You look at your foundation, and for us, that meant our Core Values.

Nikki Morello, Vice President of Human Resources
9 min read
  • What's new

The Mailgun Maverick Program Is Here!

There’s nothing like an anniversary to make us feel like our community is the best of the best, and Mailgun is celebrating a pretty big one—10 years of helping hundreds of thousands of leading brands and loyal users around the world send billions of emails. But we didn’t get there alone. Our success was built on the mavericks who helped us grow and innovate. And, as we look to the future, we want to continue to grow our community by recognizing and celebrating passionate Mailgun users.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
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Exciting News At Google: Introducing BIMI Support & Google Postmaster API

There is some exciting news happening on the Google front! This week, Google announced some new security features for the G Suite, and one of the most exciting ones is a pilot of BIMI, an email specification that allows brand logos to display within authenticated emails. Companies and Gmail users will now be able to benefit from this email authentication standard, which will help brands gain their contacts’ trust. 

Kate Nowrouzi
4 min read
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We Did It: Risk-Free Email Validation From Mailgun

As deliverability experts, we know how important a healthy email list is. It’s crucial to get emails into your recipients’ inboxes and to ensure you’re building a successful email program. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new bulk preview feature addition to our email validation service.

Jorge Miramontes
3 min read
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Mailgun Partners with Verizon Media as View Time Optimization Provider

Today, we’re proud to announce our partnership with Verizon Media Group as the first View Time Optimization (VTO) campaign provider. 

Mailgun Team
2 min read

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