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Mailgun’s UserVoice Has A New Face

As many of you know, we have a feedback and feature suggestion website with UserVoice. What’s better is that we’ve recently renewed our partnership with UserVoice and made a couple of updates all around as far as look, feel, and the process for submitting a request overall.

Samantha Uzzell
5 min read
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Is Your A/B Test Bullshit?

Easy as pie? Everybody knows about A/B tests; You have version A and version B and want to know which one is better. You show some people version A and some people version B. They either like the version or they don’t, and whichever version gets more likes wins. Pretty simple, right?

Sergey Obukhov
6 min read
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2018 Deliverability Year In Review – Mailgun Festivus Miracles

Festivus is fast upon us, in fact, it’s in a few days. We’ve taken the time to air our grievances over Black Friday emails and how Yahoo and AOL slowed down sending this year, but we still haven’t quite found our miracle yet. We aren’t entirely sure we’ll find one, but there is something to be said about a thoughtful reflection on the past year. Some things changed, a lot of things didn’t, but everything that did and didn’t happen have everything to do with your deliverability.

Nick Schafer
5 min read
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Taking Flight – Mailgun And Customer.Io Announce Their Partnership

Since we started in 2010, we’ve stayed laser-focused on building products that help businesses get emails straight to the inbox, including email validations and a burst sending SLA.

Natalie Hays
4 min read
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Q4 Sending Can’t Be Pinned Down: Mailgun Festivus Feats Of Strength

We’ve been giving some different topics a piece of our mind with the airing of grievances, but the night of Festivus is fast approaching.

Travis Walton
4 min read
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Ignored Emails Have A Low Sending Self-Esteem

Email is a wonderful medium for sending and receiving messages, but we don’t give it enough credit. Lack of credit can lead to emails being taken for granted, leaving them unclicked and unloved. Unloved emails become insecure, and that insecurity leads to poor sending habits. Before they reach rock bottom, they need to work on their Sending Self-Esteem.

Thomas Knierien
3 min read
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Mailgun Festivus — The Airing Of Grievances For Black Friday Marketing Emails

The holidays are right around the corner — whether you like that cliché statement or not. While everyone is out enjoying their various festivities, we decided to celebrate a little differently this year. Mailgun Festivus is upon us! Before you ask, no, we don’t have an unadorned aluminum pole… yet. However, we felt like we should kick things off early and kick things off right. It’s time to start the airing of grievances.

Ashley Rodriguez
5 min read
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Scary Sending – Mailgun Halloween 2018

Halloween marks the start of the holidays for us here in the US, and a lot of marketing campaigns are ramping up right about now. Everyone can get easily stressed when creating these campaigns and might look towards sketchy practices to help their email campaigns.

Natalie Hays
2 min read
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Interview With A TAM

Tall tales spread about our Technical Account Managers around the office. Some say they never sleep nor eat, and others whisper of ungodly amounts of coffee consumed. So, who are they? Are our TAMs that mysterious?

Natalie Hays
4 min read
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Here’s a Concept – Free Plan Versus Concept Plan

Some say the best things in life are free, and it’s hard to disagree with that notion sometimes. Free things are great! Free t-shirts, free food, free trials – it’s hard to say no to free. We agree that free is awesome, which is why we have two free options for you to choose from: the Free plan and the Concept plan.

Natalie Hays
3 min read
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We Have A New Region In Europe, Y’all!

This was originally posted on July 26, 2018. Today, we’re excited to share that Mailgun has a new regional footprint in the European Union (EU). You’re probably wondering: what’s so groundbreaking about having a region available in Europe? Will it change the face of humanity?

Josh Odom
3 min read
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Mailgun Authentication Service – Post Mortem July 2018

The stuff of urban legends? An uncanny coincidence? Perhaps. What we do know is that this past Friday the 13th was not a great day for us.

Josh Odom
3 min read

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