Showing post with tag: Deliverability

  • Best Practices

The Science and Art of Gmail Deliverability

Gmail inboxes generally make up over 50% of a marketer’s email list. Given that data, it’s highly advisable to set up your current sending infrastructure and strategy to maximize your deliverability with Gmail. That said, Gmail has a highly sophisticated email system, but we have a good idea about what works.

Kate Nowrouzi
7 min read
  • Best Practices

Why Email Validation Is Vital For Your Inbox

In life, there are always going to be moments when you want (and need) verification. When it comes to your email program, there is one verification tool that stands out as a necessity: email validation. Email validation can make or break your email program… and we’ll give you the rundown on what it is and how it can be used to your advantage.

Mary Dolan
6 min read
  • Email DIY

How To Improve Email Click-Through Rates

We all know that the internet provides the things we want and need with just a few clicks of a button. How many times have you seen ads that promise products, services, and huge “you’re our millionth visitor” prizes that are just one click away? Okay, we’re not saying that you should actually click on those ads—in fact, it’s probably best if you don’t. But the presence and capabilities of these ads does highlight an important concept in email marketing… click-through rates.

Mary Dolan
8 min read
  • Best Practices

When Should You Use An Email API?

In the worlds of email marketing and email technology, email APIs are a very important tool--they’re a big part of what we do here at Mailgun. However, if you have had little experience with them, email APIs may sound like just another confusing acronym to keep track of--like SEO, STO, and maybe even your ABCs (let’s be honest, Q doesn’t even sound like a real letter). But never fear--in this article, we’ll tell you exactly what an email API is, when you can use it, and how your usage can benefit your email delivery goals. Let’s get started!

Mary Dolan
5 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Partners with Verizon Media as View Time Optimization Provider

Today, we’re proud to announce our partnership with Verizon Media Group as the first View Time Optimization (VTO) campaign provider. 

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • Best Practices

COVID-19 Email Communications Dos and Don’ts

As COVID-19 expands rapidly across the globe, we are observing more brands try to send email communications to their subscribers about the pandemic and how it is impacting their business. Even though all brands are affected one way or another, certain industries need to send critical updates to their customers, such as travel, hospitality, and the entertainment industry, with regards to cancelations, refund policies, and change fees.

Kate Nowrouzi
4 min read
  • Quick tips

What is Transactional Email? The Basics

Transactional emails are something that anybody with an email address has received at least once in their life. However, not everyone understands what they are, how they are used, and how they should be structured within your email strategy.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • What's new

Inbox Placement - Delivery Made Simple

In case you missed it, we publicly launched Inbox Placement! If you remember our post from a few months ago announcing the launch of the beta, we discussed how it works and how it helps predict deliverability problems and how it can better your email program.

Jorge Miramontes
4 min read
  • What's new

Send Your Emails at the Perfect Time with Send Time Optimization

STO uses machine learning to determine the best time to deliver a message to each recipient, at the moment when it’s most likely to be seen and read.

Chris Farmer
3 min read
  • Quick tips

Email Hard Bounces: The Brick Walls Of Failure

We’ve talked a lot about email bounces and email bounce rates as a whole in the past before, but we’ve really only ever dipped our toes into the different types of bounces — hard bounces and soft bounces. Why is that? Well, they’re the smaller components that makeup more complex deliverability issues. A cog in the wheel, a fruit in the basket, a piece of the pie, or whatever other metaphor floats your boat.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Bounces: What To Do About Them

Email bounces — the pesky phenomenon that happens when email messages cannot be delivered to a recipient’s email address. They can be a source of much grief – blood, sweat, tears, curses… high email bounce rates can definitely throw off your groove.

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • What's new

Spam Traps: What You Should Know

Adam Rollins graduated from Texas State University’s Honors College with a Bachelor’s in Creative Writing. He has worked, since then, for a variety of companies, providing quality blog posts, articles, and e-books on a regular basis.

Adam Rollins
7 min read

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