Showing post with tag: Deliverability

  • What's new

InboxReady x Salesforce: The Key to a Stronger Email Deliverability

Email deliverability has always been hard. Now, with InboxReady’s new Salesforce integration, it’s about to get easier. Learn how you can easily access the industry’s most powerful deliverability tools through Salesforce.

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • Guides

Implementing Dmarc – A Step-by-Step Guide

DMARC is not just a record, it’s a process of organizing your email program to keep spoofers from impersonating you. Follow these steps to get set up:

Phil Adams
11 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Bounces: What To Do About Them

Email bounces — the pesky phenomenon that happens when email messages cannot be delivered to a recipient’s email address. They can be a source of much grief – blood, sweat, tears, curses… high email bounce rates can definitely throw off your groove.

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Best Practices

How To Improve Your Email Deliverability In 2022

If your customers aren’t getting your transactional emails, then there’s a good chance that your email program needs some refreshing with these email deliverability tips.

Mary Dolan
10 min read
  • Email DIY

How to Conduct a Comprehensive Email Deliverability Audit

Find out how to check email deliverability with a full-scale audit of your reputation, infrastructure, and campaign content. Improve your deliverability rates.

Kasey Steinbrinck
18 min read
  • Best Practices

How To Prepare Your Infrastructure For Black Friday

Black Friday is coming and you need to prepare your infrastructure to avoid any issues on the big day. Use our tips on what you need to do to get ready.

James Tetler
18 min read
  • Best Practices

Happy Festivus: Email Deliverability Guide For The Holiday Season

How do you ensure great email deliverability for the holiday season? Read these tips from our Vice President of Deliverability, Kate Nowrouzi, and discover how you can stay on the holiday email nice list.

Kate Nowrouzi
6 min read
  • Best Practices

Spam Filters & Deliverability: Staying on the Good Side of Mailbox Providers

Spam is everywhere. Literally. You’ve probably noticed this yourself, just by looking through your inbox, but what actually gets through to you is a minimal fraction of what gets sent every day. Mailbox providers see a colossal amount of spam – or worse, fraudulent or phishing – emails coming their way. It’s a bigger amount than you might be able to imagine, and that’s why mailbox providers need spam filters that do a really good job at identifying these messages before they reach your inbox.

Alexandre Zibrick
9 min read
  • Email DIY

The Basics of Email Dark Mode

It may be the literal dark side of email, but dark mode isn’t a trend you can run away from. So, buckle up and get ready to learn what makes dark mode in email so popular, how it can help your deliverability, and how to optimize your emails for dark mode.

Mary Dolan
10 min read
  • Email DIY

The Top Email Clients and Email Apps of 2021

We’ve all been there – struggling to send a perfectly-targeted campaign, trying to figure out which clients our audience uses, and wondering how we can make sure our email looks and sounds great no matter where and how they’re viewing it. What can possibly solve these problems? Don't worry, we're here to help.

Mary Dolan
12 min read
  • Best Practices

How To Build An Email List The Right Way

Look, we know list collection might sound less cool than other email topics. It’s really, really tempting to focus only on the ways you can get more potential customers and a long email list no matter what. But no matter how big your list is, unless your contacts gave you consent to email them, you won’t see great results. Plus, your email service provider will get mad at you, and that’s no fun. Let’s take a look at what consent is and how you can use it to build a healthy email list.

Nick Schafer
10 min read
  • Email DIY

Sunset Policies: Allowing Unengaged Recipients to Ride Off into the Sunset

In the final scene of the classic Western Shane, the titular character rides off into the sunset. The ambiguous ending has been debated for decades, but the result is the same. Shane is moving on, and we will never truly know his fate. Like Shane, you should consider when it is time to move on—in email terms, that means letting low or zero engagement recipients “ride off into the sunset” via sunset policies that clean unengaged contacts from your mailing lists.

Travis Walton
6 min read

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