
Insights from the Mailgun team

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  • Best Practices

How To Build An Email List The Right Way

Look, we know list collection might sound less cool than other email topics. It’s really, really tempting to focus only on the ways you can get more potential customers and a long email list no matter what. But no matter how big your list is, unless your contacts gave you consent to email them, you won’t see great results. Plus, your email service provider will get mad at you, and that’s no fun. Let’s take a look at what consent is and how you can use it to build a healthy email list.

Nick Schafer
10 min read
  • Best Practices

The Path To Email Engagement In 2021: Key Learnings

Consumers’ needs and habits are constantly evolving – this year, probably more than ever – and keeping up with email engagement trends can sometimes feel…exhausting, but there are ways to gain insight and strategic inspiration. By knowing their trends and preferences, you’ll be able to provide what users need and want most in 2021 and beyond. And don't worry – we've got research-backed key insights that will give a much needed boost to your email program.

Mary Dolan
10 min read
  • Security

SAML Single Sign-On Is Now Available

At Mailgun by Pathwire, account security is one of our biggest priorities, and we’re always looking for ways to make the Mailgun experience more secure and scalable. In an effort to do just that, we’re thrilled to announce that SAML authentication is now available for our Scale and Enterprise plan customers.

Chris Farmer
3 min read
  • What's new

Say Hello to Pathwire

The day has finally come! Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Pathwire, our new parent brand, and unveil a slightly refreshed look and feel for Mailgun, which you’ll see evolving over the months to come.

William Conway
5 min read
  • Email DIY

The Benefits of Email Automation

When we think of automation, we sometimes think about mechanical processes (like cars) or futuristic tech processes (like evil robots). This means that the concept of automation can sound either too mundane or too far-fetched to matter. However, there are many areas where automation can be both helpful and attainable, and one big one is email automation. But what is email automation, and how can it benefit you? Let’s dive in and find out.

Mary Dolan
8 min read
  • What's new

Mailpets: For The Love Of Animals

For almost two years now, Mailgun has posted a pet picture onto our social media accounts on Fridays. #Furbabyfriday, as it was dubbed by me, has somehow become a tradition within those two years, alongside the enduring Mailpets channel. It’s crazy to think about what I thought would be a short-lived social media campaign turned into a culture staple that’s still going strong today.

Natalie Hays
3 min read
  • Best Practices

Make Email Accessibility Your New Year’s Resolution

You may wonder if you need email accessibility, but more people are affected by issues of accessibility than you might think. According to the WHO, nearly one billion people suffer from a visual impairment (like dyslexia or color blindness), and many of them need assistive technology to consume content. By making your emails accessible, you can ensure you're reaching your entire audience.

Nicolas Garnier
7 min read
  • Email DIY

Sunset Policies: Allowing Unengaged Recipients to Ride Off into the Sunset

In the final scene of the classic Western Shane, the titular character rides off into the sunset. The ambiguous ending has been debated for decades, but the result is the same. Shane is moving on, and we will never truly know his fate. Like Shane, you should consider when it is time to move on—in email terms, that means letting low or zero engagement recipients “ride off into the sunset” via sunset policies that clean unengaged contacts from your mailing lists.

Travis Walton
6 min read
  • Best Practices

Email's Best of 2020

When we toast on New Year’s Eve and look back on this year, we’ll likely think back on a lot of different events… We all know that 2020 was a year to remember. However, one theme that 2020 was defined by was the theme of change. The world of email was no different – we saw a lot of change happen in the way we plan, create, and send messages, and all of it gave us great opportunities to learn. As we close out the year, let’s take a look at some of 2020’s best email trends.

Kate Nowrouzi
5 min read
  • What's new

Catch-All Domain Support Is Now Available In Email Validations

Here at Mailgun, our focus has always been on creating solutions that solve problems big and small… and this philosophy doesn’t stop at email validations. We wanted to make it easier to identify different types of addresses through our validation services, and we are pleased to announce that catch-all domain support is now available through Mailgun email validations.

Peter Trinder
4 min read
  • Email DIY

The Best Time To Send Emails: Cracking The Code

When it comes to code-breaking, the movies often make it look easy. A couple of rapid keyboard clicks, a quickly-guessed password or Indiana Jones-style riddle, and you’re in. When it comes to the best time to send email, however, cracking the code isn’t always that simple. But have no fear, because we’re here to help you figure out the best send times for your email campaigns, as we did during Email Camp 2020.

Mary Dolan
8 min read
  • Quick tips

Tips for Building Better Holiday Email Templates

Businesses wait until the last minute to get their Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or Christmas/New Years deals out the door and into as many inboxes as possible. While it's important to start thinking about your email marketing tactics sooner rather than later, sometimes it can't be helped. Before you send out that holiday email blast to the masses, there are few things you should double-check to keep your sender reputation in the green this holiday season. 

Mailgun Team
5 min read

49 - 60 out of 359 items

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