
Insights from the Mailgun team

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  • Best Practices

Protecting Your Deliverability With Honeypots

Dunno about you, but I find it oddly satisfying every time I flag a spammer and stop them in their tracks. It’s like I’m tag-teaming with ISPs to police the interwebz, fighting the good ol’ fight. And there’s a lot that ISPs can learn from in-house efforts to stop spammers, especially from traps like honeypots that are meant to ban spammers from your email servers. Honeypots are a sticky topic (pun intended) because there’s a lot of upside to using them. That’s good news for you, but bad news for the unsuspecting target.

Nick Schafer
4 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Launches Automated IP Warm Up Service

Today, we’re happy to share that there’s a new, automated way to prepare your dedicated IPs to send email through Mailgun. If you’ve ever had to warm up an IP manually, you know how much it sucks: prep then send specific volumes of email every hour and increase the volume thereafter. You’re an F-Zero pilot, constantly challenging your reflexes – and sweating bullets in the process – because you can hit the brake too late and go overboard. It’s a pain, and it’s also really easy to screw up.

Anton Efimenko
4 min read
  • Best Practices

Building Email Lists Of Contacts That (Actually) Want To Hear From You

This post was written and contributed by our friends at Ongage. You have a large list of subscribers that opted-in to receive your stuff. All potential customers – so naturally you want to send them everything you’ve got: daily content pieces, offers and discounts, a little Grumpy Cat, too. It’s gonna be great!

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Email DIY

Reach Your Users Through Email And Push Notifications On The Same Platform

The great thing about APIs is that they come together as building blocks for all sorts of applications. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to add new features, just integrate an API and save yourself some time. At Mailgun, we continuously improve our APIs so devs can add email to the list of things their app can do.

Erik Nilsen
2 min read
  • Best Practices

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): Why Should You Care?

Unsure how to tackle the GDPR? At Mailgun, we’ll demystify basic GDPR terms and suggest best practices to meet GDPR requirements. 

Josh Odom
11 min read
  • Best Practices

Diving Head-First Into The Inbox: What’s Impacting My Deliverability?

It’s no secret that many first-time senders struggle with delivery across different mailbox providers. To find out what could be impacting deliverability for new senders, we set off on a journey to uncover as much information as we could about what makes MTAs tick.

Nick Schafer
5 min read
  • For devs

Avoiding The Blind Spots Of Missing Data With Machine Learning

You have a project, and you want to apply machine learning to it. You start simple: add one feature, collect data, create a model. You add another feature that’s really useful, but it’s only represented in half of your data points. You want to be smart and use all the data you have (including the one with missing values), but how do you do that?

Sergey Obukhov
5 min read
  • For devs

Devgun: Creating Development Environments With Kubernetes

When we first approached the problem of creating local development environments, we reached for common tools like vagrant. But as with most vagrant-built environments, build times are long. This means vagrant images have long lives and tend to drift overtime.

Derrick Wippler
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Domain Reputation or IP Reputation: Which One Does Gmail Care About More?

We often compare email reputation to a credit score. The better your sender score, the more likely your email will get delivered.

Chris Farmer
5 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Security Incident And Important Customer Information

On January 3, 2018, Mailgun became aware of an incident in which a customer’s API key was compromised and immediately began diagnostics to help determine the cause and the scope of impact.

Josh Odom
2 min read
  • Best Practices

FML, My Mass Email Had A Typo. What Do I Do?

So, you made a mistake. You spent a long time making sure your email was perfect. You sent it out to your list, feeling all anxious and victorious at the same time.

Nicole Jacobson
6 min read
  • Security

FML, I Didn’t Send That! What To Do If Spam Gets Sent From Your Account

There are only a couple things worse than mall shopping on Christmas Eve. Your holiday party getting crashed by really bad guys Your account getting compromised by a malicious spammer For number 1, there’s Bruce Willis.

Ashley Rodriguez
3 min read

181 - 192 out of 359 items

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