
Insights from the Mailgun team

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  • What's new

Here’s a Concept – Free Plan Versus Concept Plan

Some say the best things in life are free, and it’s hard to disagree with that notion sometimes. Free things are great! Free t-shirts, free food, free trials – it’s hard to say no to free. We agree that free is awesome, which is why we have two free options for you to choose from: the Free plan and the Concept plan.

Natalie Hays
3 min read
  • Security

Pseudonymization And You – Optimizing Data Protection

Everyone hated the privacy policy email armageddon, businesses included. Not because some of their emails were going straight to spam, but because a lot of businesses had to take a second look at their security measures. Revamping security measures can suck – but losing a ton of personal information is the absolute worst. What can we do?

Natalie Hays
4 min read
  • Best Practices

Cutting Through The Noise When Choosing An ESP

Picking an Email Service Provider is a mental tug of war: you’ll be working with that ESP a long time, and you want to make sure that the service is going to meet your needs perfectly. But there’s no avoiding the pressure from the business to figure it out ASAP. That app you’ve been working on is missing email capabilities and needed to deploy yesterday…or maybe that email server you’ve been using just can’t keep up with all the emails that need to go out every day.

Nick Schafer
6 min read
  • What's new

We Have A New Region In Europe, Y’all!

This was originally posted on July 26, 2018. Today, we’re excited to share that Mailgun has a new regional footprint in the European Union (EU). You’re probably wondering: what’s so groundbreaking about having a region available in Europe? Will it change the face of humanity?

Josh Odom
3 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Authentication Service – Post Mortem July 2018

The stuff of urban legends? An uncanny coincidence? Perhaps. What we do know is that this past Friday the 13th was not a great day for us.

Josh Odom
3 min read
  • Customer Success

Sending Millions Of Job Alerts 24/7 With The Mailgun Email API

Transactional marketing emails are an important part of everyday business, and when done correctly they can even bring people closer to their dream job.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • Email DIY

Easy DIY For Your Mailgun Account

When you have an issue that pops up unexpectedly, there’s always a sense of urgency to get it resolved quickly – and somehow the minutes just seem to drag on. You can’t get going fast enough, and you’re reaching for something – anything – that might help you.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • What's new

Same API, New Tricks: Get Event Notifications Just In Time With Webhooks

So, I had a few thoughts while working on this update to the API – and maybe you’ve had them, too: Webhooks are great! Everyone should use them. Having the same data across similar APIs and JSON payload are a time saver.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • What's new

Cheat Sheet: What You Should Know About Dedicated IPs

Yesterday, I got to share some screen time with Anton to share all the things about dedicated IPs and email reputation. But really, we were just excited to share our feline findings from an afternoon well spent down the Google rabbit hole. I mean, isn’t this just puurfect?

Lawrence Norton
3 min read
  • Customer Success

Sending Email Using The Mailgun PHP API

It’s been a while since the Mailgun PHP SDK came around, and we’ve seen lots of changes: new functionalities, new integrations built on top, new API endpoints…yet the core of PHP is the same. Since it was the first SDK for the Mailgun API, it’s had time to mature and go through iterations that make it easy to use – which we realized when we gave it a try.

Mailgun Community
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Protecting Your Domain Reputation With DMARC

As someone who works in this wonderful world of email, I can tell you there are a few things that just make life miserable for everyone: spammers and phishers. The interwebz is still the preferred platform for business and social interactions, so of course, there’s more incentive for bad actors to target users for their own financial gain. Let’s look at the stupid easy ways bad actors can lure us into a trap, and how we can stop getting pwned by spammers.

Jonathan Torres
6 min read
  • Best Practices

Explicit Consent And The GDPR

GDPR is real (and enforceable) to anyone that does business with EU residents, even if you’re halfway across the world. Time just flew by in all this prep work to become GDPR compliant, and no one had any fun – except for the data privacy experts. Those guys had all kinds of fun and an early Christmas. Everyone else had real talk and real confusion.

Josh Odom
5 min read

169 - 180 out of 359 items

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