Showing post with tag: Webhooks

  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Geolocation In Webhooks, Custom Variable Support And More

There’s a lot going on at Mailgun, so we thought we would start publishing a list of updates each week, with the new features, bug fixes and improvements we’ve made.

Mailgun Team
6 min read
  • Best Practices

Closing The Loop Between Your Customer Data And Your Email Data

One of the latest tech buzz phrases is “big data”. Once you put something on the internet you will (hopefully) have plenty of data to choose from – the hard part is tying data from disparate sources all together into actionable insights. This is what “big data” is supposed to help with…I think.

Mailgun Team
8 min read
  • Email DIY

Geolocation And User Agent Detection Now Available In Webhooks

We believe in doing hard work for our customers. So when we decided to add geolocation and user agent parameters to our open, click and unsubscribe webhooks, we decided to take it one step further than simply providing an IP address and a raw user agent string for customers.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • Guides

Your Guide To Webhooks

Webhooks – user-defined HTTP callbacks – are a very easy way for developers to monitor their email campaigns and build programs to handle bounces, unsubscribes, spam reports, and more in real-time. 

Mailgun Team
11 min read

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