Showing post with tag: Webhooks

  • Guides

Your Guide To Webhooks

Webhooks – user-defined HTTP callbacks – are a very easy way for developers to monitor their email campaigns and build programs to handle bounces, unsubscribes, spam reports, and more in real-time. 

Mailgun Team
11 min read
  • What's new

Same API, New Tricks: Get Event Notifications Just In Time With Webhooks

So, I had a few thoughts while working on this update to the API – and maybe you’ve had them, too: Webhooks are great! Everyone should use them. Having the same data across similar APIs and JSON payload are a time saver.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • Email DIY

A Practical Guide To Using Mailgun’s Webhooks

This guest post comes from Opeyemi Obembe, a Mailgun customer based in Nigeria. When we saw Opeyemi’s tutorial on how to set up webhooks, we knew we needed to share it with you. Not only is Opeyemi’s methodology rock solid, but he’s the type of developer we love supporting.

Mailgun Team
8 min read
  • Email DIY

How To Effectively Use Webhooks For Email Delivery

Thank you to everyone who attended this week’s Mailgun Google Hangout on How to Effectively Use Webhooks for Email Delivery featuring Mailgun Email Expert, Chris Hammer. Below is the video along with a timestamp of the sections and a transcript of the Q&A. For your reference, you can access the deck here and we also recommend reading our Guide to Webhooks.

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Email DIY

Mailgun In A Zap!

Ever in a situation where you’re using two awesome applications to run your business but they don’t integrate, causing inefficiencies in your workflow process?

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Product Update: New Postbin For Debugging Webhooks

Originally posted on December 7, 2013. This week, in addition to writing about what we learned open sourcing a major part of Mailgun, we released a new feature we think you’ll appreciate: a postbin for debugging your webhooks.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Improved Status Page Let’s You Get Alerts By SMS & Webhook

This week we focused on infrastructure improvements to reduce the chances of sending delays like those that occurred for some customers last week.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Manage Your Webhooks Programmatically With New API

We usually publish a weekly update on Friday, but this week, we didn’t want to wait till then to tell you what you can start doing with Mailgun today. We’ve just released our new beta webhook API so that you can programmatically manage webhooks for all your domains!

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • Quick tips

White Labeling DNS Records For Your Customers – Tips And Tricks

Many of our customers run large-scale digital marketing applications on top of Mailgun for their own customers. For example, Vero and Userfox are email service providers that built their awesome digital marketing automation apps on top of Mailgun

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Easy Testing For Routes Webhooks

Last week we released a much-requested email tracking feature: domain-level webhooks. Continuing on that theme, this week we’ve released another webhook-related feature: easy testing for Routes webhooks.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • For devs

Demo: Meteor-Based Emailer With Geolocation And UA Tracking

In January we announced that we had partnered up with Meteor to power the email back-end that comes with the Meteor platform. To see an example, check out this event registration form we blogged about recently, but today we want to demo another example of Meteor+Mailgun integration.

Mailgun Team
9 min read
  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Domain-Level Webhooks And Reputation System Improvements

This week’s main theme was webhooks and we’ve got an exciting (and much requested) new feature to announce: domain-level webooks. In addition, we’ve been focused on improving our reputation system to catch spammers and scammers before they can do their damage.

Mailgun Team
3 min read

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