- Best Practices
How To Improve Your Email Deliverability In 2022
If your customers aren’t getting your transactional emails, then there’s a good chance that your email program needs some refreshing with these email deliverability tips.
If your customers aren’t getting your transactional emails, then there’s a good chance that your email program needs some refreshing with these email deliverability tips.
You may wonder if you need email accessibility, but more people are affected by issues of accessibility than you might think. According to the WHO, nearly one billion people suffer from a visual impairment (like dyslexia or color blindness), and many of them need assistive technology to consume content. By making your emails accessible, you can ensure you're reaching your entire audience.
When it comes to email sending, sometimes you need more than the press of a button to get your message across. You may have heard of email subdomains, but you may be wondering - how do you use them? And, wait a minute, what exactly are they?
If your welcome message is not opened, and your many follow up emails with promotions and attractive discounts do not seem to make your subscribers engage with your emails, maybe it is time to give up. Maybe, they just aren’t that into you.
The word “engagement” can mean a lot of things. It may be a fancy word you use to spice up various dental and doctor’s appointments. It may mean you’re about to get married (hey, congratulations! Time to celebrate). 💍When it comes to email, however, “engagement” generally means one thing: how your recipients are responding to your messages. And you hope they’re not responding like Ron Swanson.
What do you think of when you think of the term SPF? If you’re new to email, it probably makes you think of sunblock (it’s June, so we should probably put some on). But, as it turns out, there’s another type of SPF protection that’s a little more relevant to the email industry: SPF records.
As email usage and capabilities continue to grow, it’s important to make sure that your sender reputation is staying positive and secure. One of the best ways to do this is to use DKIM (short for DomainKeys Identified Mail). If the idea of yet another email acronym is throwing you off, don’t be alarmed. We’ll walk through the basics–and benefits—of DKIM to illuminate its purpose and value to sender organizations.
My email has always been pretty publically available on my website. It’s good practice, and it makes it easy for people to get in touch with me. However, this created a bit of a problem.
Kevin is the Head of Marketing at EmailMonks, one of the largest Email Templates production company which specializes in converting PSD to email templates. He loves gadgets, bikes, jazz, and breathes ‘email marketing’. He is a brand magician who loves to engage and share insights with fellow marketers. Feel free to connect with him on Twitter.
DNS is about as old as the internet itself, and it’s easy to understand why. Domain names are way easier to memorize and remember than IP addresses, so DNS records were bound to catch on as more and more people started using the internet. Could you imagine remembering each IP address of the sites you wish to visit? That’d be a handful.
Sending email is one thing; having someone open the email is another. Your open rate with any given list is one of the first measurements of success, and it should be. If you’re sending emails and nobody is opening them, chances are something in your strategy is mucking up your open rate.
When you have an issue that pops up unexpectedly, there’s always a sense of urgency to get it resolved quickly – and somehow the minutes just seem to drag on. You can’t get going fast enough, and you’re reaching for something – anything – that might help you.
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