Showing post with tag: Culture

  • Events

Black History Month in Tech: 7 Visionaries Who Shaped The Future

This year for Black History Month, meet seven visionary, brilliant, innovative black scientists, engineers, and software developers who are pioneers in technology.

Ron Davis
13 min read
  • What's new

Celebramos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana

Queremos rendir homenaje a la increíble comunidad hispana de Pathwire, que crean un futuro para todos siendo fieles a su identidad.

Thomas Knierien
7 min read
  • What's new

Spooky Sending - Halloween 2019

Halloween is here again to fright and delight everyone from the marketer to the developer.

Natalie Hays
2 min read
  • What's new

Scary Sending – Mailgun Halloween 2018

Halloween marks the start of the holidays for us here in the US, and a lot of marketing campaigns are ramping up right about now. Everyone can get easily stressed when creating these campaigns and might look towards sketchy practices to help their email campaigns.

Natalie Hays
2 min read
  • For devs

Mission To Mars – PyCon 2014

We had a blast at PyCon 2013 with our giant email-powered Nerf gun. It was a big crowd-pleaser and for PyCon 2014, we wanted to do something even cooler. So of course, it was obvious that we should start with… a vacuum cleaner. This blog shows you how we went from vacuum cleaner to Mars Rover and ended up having a great time again this year at PyCon.

Mailgun Team
15 min read
  • For devs

Hardware Fun: Building An Email-Controlled Gun For PyCon 2013

We don’t sponsor (or attend) many conferences at Mailgun. In fact, to this date we have only sponsored one, PyCon. We make an exception for PyCon because it has always felt like the perfect conference for Mailgun.

Mailgun Team
6 min read
  • What's new

Life Post-Acquisition: A Startup Engineer’s Perspective

Wow, it’s funny how time flies, right? We’re an independent company now! This post came out way back in 2012.

Mailgun Team
5 min read

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