Best Practices

  • Best Practices

The Best Time to Send Holiday Emails - Investigated

First off, there is no one size fits all solution to the best time to send holiday emails. A lot of your email sending success is going to hinge on the composition of your email list. Even then, you can't send an email to an entire email list that will land at the top of the inbox for everyone.

Natalie Hays
4 min read
  • Best Practices

My Email Isn’t Authentic Enough - Misfit Email Series

Recently, I was asked a question; “What if my mail isn’t authentic enough?” Today, I’ll walk through potential problems and solutions of improper email authentication, so pull up a chair and get comfy.

Levi Trejo
8 min read
  • Best Practices

The Consequences of Bad Email Templates - Misfit Email Series

Like life, email has its consequences. Is it possible to send a million messages on a brand-new domain on its first day? Technically, sure. Will it go well? No.

John Coker
7 min read
  • Best Practices

Using Segmentation and Validations for Email List Cleaning

Segmentation is a common best practice in the email industry. In theory, when you break a larger list down into smaller lists based on different qualifiers and adjust the email contents to appeal to those smaller audiences, your open and click rates are bound to rise. But what happens with you pair segmentation with validations?

Cameron Henry
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Domain Warmup and Reputation: Stretch Before You Send

So, you wanted to send out a lot of emails but found that when you did, a lot of them either ended up undelivered or in the spam folder. Sounds like you need a warmup.

Renate Burns
6 min read
  • Best Practices

What Is BIMI? More Than A Funny Name

If I told you there was a way you could gain more trust with your recipients for free, you’d be on board, right? It’s easy to understand why people jump at the opportunity to increase their brand reputation because the relationship between your brand and your recipients is extremely important. The more your recipients trust your brand, the more likely they will engage with your messaging.

Nick Schafer
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Copy Suggestions That Don’t Suck For Your Deliverability

Whether you like it or not, email copy is an essential part of any email, regardless of if it’s a transactional or marketing message. It’s what gets people to engage with your messages in the first place – everything from the email subject line to the sign off influences your engagements.

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Authentication: Your ID Card For Sending

As a Technical Account Manager at Mailgun, I’m constantly talking to my customers about various deliverability and good sender best practices — one of those being email authentication.

Levi Trejo
8 min read
  • Best Practices

Emoji In Email and Email Subject Lines – Should You Use It?

Emojis are showing up everywhere; seriously, they’ve got their own holiday to show for it (World emoji day; yes, it’s a thing.) They’re bright, attention-grabbing, and in places where space is limited like a mobile device — they save a ton of room. Naturally, this raises the question of whether or not they make sense to use in your email marketing or digital marketing as a whole.

Ryan Sultemeier
7 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Bounce Rates: Shifting Focus Away From Failure

Oh, the elusive email bounce rate, the bane of email marketers everywhere. Everyone is eager to crack the code of email bounces and say what the ideal rate should be for any given sender. It’s easy to understand why given that you want your emails to land in the inbox and have great deliverability. More bounces mean fewer emails in the inbox, and that leaves just about any sender diving deep into their analytics to figure out what went wrong.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • Best Practices

No-Reply Emails: The Brick Wall Of Email Communication

Automated emails – what’s not to love? Email marketing campaigns sent out for customer birthdays, transactional email receipts, and really just about any email campaign you could think of could be automated to streamline any business.

Ashley Rodriguez
4 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Safe Fonts & Typography: Improving Accessibility In Emails TEST THIS

Kevin is the Head of Marketing at EmailMonks, one of the largest Email Templates production company which specializes in converting PSD to email templates. He loves gadgets, bikes, jazz, and breathes ‘email marketing’. He is a brand magician who loves to engage and share insights with fellow marketers. Feel free to connect with him on Twitter.

Kevin George
6 min read

25 - 36 out of 64 items

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