Showing post with tag: Validation

  • What's new

Mailgun Validations Features Improved Performance for EU Customers

We are excited to announce that Mailgun Validations are now available in the EU. Our validations service was already the fastest and most accurate in the industry, and now our EU customers can enjoy even better performance than they were seeing before.  

Peter Trinder
2 min read
  • Best Practices

How To Build An Email List The Right Way

Look, we know list collection might sound less cool than other email topics. It’s really, really tempting to focus only on the ways you can get more potential customers and a long email list no matter what. But no matter how big your list is, unless your contacts gave you consent to email them, you won’t see great results. Plus, your email service provider will get mad at you, and that’s no fun. Let’s take a look at what consent is and how you can use it to build a healthy email list.

Nick Schafer
10 min read
  • Best Practices

Why Email Validation Is Vital For Your Inbox

In life, there are always going to be moments when you want (and need) verification. When it comes to your email program, there is one verification tool that stands out as a necessity: email validation. Email validation can make or break your email program… and we’ll give you the rundown on what it is and how it can be used to your advantage.

Mary Dolan
6 min read
  • What's new

We Did It: Risk-Free Email Validation From Mailgun

As deliverability experts, we know how important a healthy email list is. It’s crucial to get emails into your recipients’ inboxes and to ensure you’re building a successful email program. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new bulk preview feature addition to our email validation service.

Jorge Miramontes
3 min read
  • Best Practices

Using Segmentation and Validations for Email List Cleaning

Segmentation is a common best practice in the email industry. In theory, when you break a larger list down into smaller lists based on different qualifiers and adjust the email contents to appeal to those smaller audiences, your open and click rates are bound to rise. But what happens with you pair segmentation with validations?

Cameron Henry
5 min read
  • Quick tips

Email Hard Bounces: The Brick Walls Of Failure

We’ve talked a lot about email bounces and email bounce rates as a whole in the past before, but we’ve really only ever dipped our toes into the different types of bounces — hard bounces and soft bounces. Why is that? Well, they’re the smaller components that makeup more complex deliverability issues. A cog in the wheel, a fruit in the basket, a piece of the pie, or whatever other metaphor floats your boat.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Better Validations For Better Sending

Once upon a time, and by “a time” we mean a few years ago, companies sent emails to their contacts and customers somewhat blindly. To a large extent, they didn’t know if the addresses they had in their databases or forms were correct in syntax or one-time-use email addresses or distribution lists that go to 20 different people. All of which could adversely impact their sending domain’s reputation — essentially, it was chaos.

Michael Kane
5 min read
  • Email DIY

Email Address Validation With External Services

Shruti Sridharan is a full stack Salesforce Developer with close to 3 years of experience working on almost every facet of the platform. She often blogs about everything that’s new on the Salesforce platform. Apart from that, Shruti speaks at various conferences, webinars and also leads the Women-in-Tech User Group and Student Group in her hometown. You can reach out to her via her website.

Shruti Sridharan
5 min read
  • Best Practices

How To Build An Email List The Right Way

Look, we know list collection might sound less cool than other email topics. It’s really, really tempting to focus only on the ways you can get more potential customers and a long email list no matter what. But no matter how big your list is, unless your contacts gave you consent to email them, you won’t see great results. Plus, your email service provider will get mad at you, and that’s no fun. Let’s take a look at what consent is and how you can use it to build a healthy email list.

Nick Schafer
10 min read
  • Best Practices

Black Friday & Cyber Monday: 5 Tips To Stand Out In A Crowded Inbox During The Holidays

Stores are busting out wreaths and giant bows. Santas are sitting in shopping malls. There’s a faint chill in the air (or at least that’s what we’re told; we’re based in Texas).

Nicole Jacobson
8 min read
  • Best Practices

Get Your Email In Check For The Holidays

As the holidays approach, we see the volume of sending increase for some of our customers. Whether for order confirmation emails or marketing emails, it could be detrimental to a business if recipients do not receive their emails – and it does happen. In fact, 17% of email marketing campaigns fail to reach consumers.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Control Panel Improvements, And 135x Faster Spell Checker For Email Validation

This week we focused on improving the Mailgun control panel and the spelling corrector for the email validation API.

Mailgun Team
5 min read

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