Showing post with tag: Thought Leadership

  • Events

Black History Month in Tech: 7 Visionaries Who Shaped The Future

This year for Black History Month, meet seven visionary, brilliant, innovative black scientists, engineers, and software developers who are pioneers in technology.

Ron Davis
13 min read
  • Best Practices

Happy Festivus: Email Deliverability Guide For The Holiday Season

How do you ensure great email deliverability for the holiday season? Read these tips from our Vice President of Deliverability, Kate Nowrouzi, and discover how you can stay on the holiday email nice list.

Kate Nowrouzi
6 min read
  • Best Practices

Email's Best of 2020

When we toast on New Year’s Eve and look back on this year, we’ll likely think back on a lot of different events… We all know that 2020 was a year to remember. However, one theme that 2020 was defined by was the theme of change. The world of email was no different – we saw a lot of change happen in the way we plan, create, and send messages, and all of it gave us great opportunities to learn. As we close out the year, let’s take a look at some of 2020’s best email trends.

Kate Nowrouzi
5 min read
  • What's new

Our Values In Action

Where do you start when planning for the future in the midst of a pandemic? Where do you look when there’s no rule book, no recent history to research, and no best practices floating around on the internet? You look at your foundation, and for us, that meant our Core Values.

Nikki Morello, Vice President of Human Resources
9 min read
  • For devs

What Toasters And Distributed Systems Might Have In Common

A few months ago we released automatic IP Warm Up, but we never got to talk about how it’s implemented. Today, we’re going to peek under the hood and try to understand what makes our IP warm up tick. We’re going to start with some context, and then we’ll dive into the interesting technical details later in the post.

Anton Efimenko
15 min read

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