Showing post with tag: Sunset Policy

  • Email DIY

Sunset Policies: Allowing Unengaged Recipients to Ride Off into the Sunset

In the final scene of the classic Western Shane, the titular character rides off into the sunset. The ambiguous ending has been debated for decades, but the result is the same. Shane is moving on, and we will never truly know his fate. Like Shane, you should consider when it is time to move on—in email terms, that means letting low or zero engagement recipients “ride off into the sunset” via sunset policies that clean unengaged contacts from your mailing lists.

Travis Walton
6 min read
  • Best Practices

Can You Guarantee Better Email Deliverability?

Everyone wants better deliverability. It’s a worthy goal. When messages don’t reach inboxes, you’re missing out on an opportunity to connect with customers, plus you’re having to pay to send emails to people who will never see those emails. The thought of your messages bouncing or landing in spam…

Nick Schafer
6 min read

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