Showing post with tag: Snacks

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Snack Delivery Machine — Part 2, The Electronics And Tech

Before we get technical, if you haven’t read our previous post about our wonderous snack machine, pop over and check that out first! We bought an off-the-shelf snack dispenser and turned it into a robot, but now it’s time to give it some brains. And by brains, we mean a raspberry pi.

Sean Johnson
4 min read
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Snack Delivery Machine — Part 1, The Mechanics

Hacking on hardware is always fun, and it’s been a while since we’ve created something! In this brief series of blog posts, we are going to make an email controlled snack machine using a dry-food dispenser, a Raspberry Pi, a pair of stepper motors, and a little bit of 3D printing.

Sean Johnson
4 min read

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