Showing post with tag: Send Time Optimization

  • Email DIY

The Best Time To Send Emails: Cracking The Code

When it comes to code-breaking, the movies often make it look easy. A couple of rapid keyboard clicks, a quickly-guessed password or Indiana Jones-style riddle, and you’re in. When it comes to the best time to send email, however, cracking the code isn’t always that simple. But have no fear, because we’re here to help you figure out the best send times for your email campaigns, as we did during Email Camp 2020.

Mary Dolan
8 min read
  • Best Practices

How To Improve Email Open Rates

Sending emails that don’t get opened can be frustrating—you’ve crafted the most engaging content, used a witty subject line, and even included a hilarious, relatable gif from The Office. What is going on with your low open rates?

Mary Dolan
8 min read
  • What's new

Send Your Emails at the Perfect Time with Send Time Optimization

STO uses machine learning to determine the best time to deliver a message to each recipient, at the moment when it’s most likely to be seen and read.

Chris Farmer
3 min read
  • Best Practices

The Best Time to Send Holiday Emails - Investigated

First off, there is no one size fits all solution to the best time to send holiday emails. A lot of your email sending success is going to hinge on the composition of your email list. Even then, you can't send an email to an entire email list that will land at the top of the inbox for everyone.

Natalie Hays
4 min read

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