Showing post with tag: Segmentation

  • What's new

Sending to the Wrong Segment - Misfit Email Series

Every once in a while, something happens, and they may end up sending to the wrong segmented list of recipients. Bad things tend to follow when this happens, and that sends senders into a panic.

Cameron Henry
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Using Segmentation and Validations for Email List Cleaning

Segmentation is a common best practice in the email industry. In theory, when you break a larger list down into smaller lists based on different qualifiers and adjust the email contents to appeal to those smaller audiences, your open and click rates are bound to rise. But what happens with you pair segmentation with validations?

Cameron Henry
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Building Email Lists Of Contacts That (Actually) Want To Hear From You

This post was written and contributed by our friends at Ongage. You have a large list of subscribers that opted-in to receive your stuff. All potential customers – so naturally you want to send them everything you’ve got: daily content pieces, offers and discounts, a little Grumpy Cat, too. It’s gonna be great!

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Best Practices

FML, My Mass Email Had A Typo. What Do I Do?

So, you made a mistake. You spent a long time making sure your email was perfect. You sent it out to your list, feeling all anxious and victorious at the same time.

Nicole Jacobson
6 min read
  • Email DIY

Mailgun For Non-Devs: Leveraging An Email Marketing Platform

This guest post comes from Ongage, a front-end email marketing platform that integrates nicely with ESPs like Mailgun and empowers you to do some seriously advanced things with your marketing emails.

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • Email DIY

Tags Explained: Gaining Useful Insights From Email Segmentation

Companies often use the same sending domains or IP addresses to send various types of messages. While this is a really convenient way to send messages, it can be hard to figure out how each discrete message type is performing. This is where the idea of tagging or categorizing your emails comes into play.

Josh Odom
5 min read

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