Showing post with tag: Product Announcement

  • What's new

Inbox Placement - Delivery Made Simple

In case you missed it, we publicly launched Inbox Placement! If you remember our post from a few months ago announcing the launch of the beta, we discussed how it works and how it helps predict deliverability problems and how it can better your email program.

Jorge Miramontes
4 min read
  • What's new

Send Your Emails at the Perfect Time with Send Time Optimization

STO uses machine learning to determine the best time to deliver a message to each recipient, at the moment when it’s most likely to be seen and read.

Chris Farmer
3 min read
  • What's new

Where is my email going? Introducing Inbox Placement

At a high level, Inbox Placement provides insight into where your emails land within the mailbox for a variety of mailbox providers – whether it’s the inbox, spam folder, or a specific tab.

Jorge Miramontes
5 min read
  • What's new

Opening The Envelope On Mailgun’s New UI

You’re always looking for ways to do your work more efficiently, whether that means faster troubleshooting or simple tools that help you achieve results more easily.

Chris Farmer
7 min read
  • What's new

Better Validations For Better Sending

Once upon a time, and by “a time” we mean a few years ago, companies sent emails to their contacts and customers somewhat blindly. To a large extent, they didn’t know if the addresses they had in their databases or forms were correct in syntax or one-time-use email addresses or distribution lists that go to 20 different people. All of which could adversely impact their sending domain’s reputation — essentially, it was chaos.

Michael Kane
5 min read
  • What's new

We Have A New Region In Europe, Y’all!

This was originally posted on July 26, 2018. Today, we’re excited to share that Mailgun has a new regional footprint in the European Union (EU). You’re probably wondering: what’s so groundbreaking about having a region available in Europe? Will it change the face of humanity?

Josh Odom
3 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Launches Automated IP Warm Up Service

Today, we’re happy to share that there’s a new, automated way to prepare your dedicated IPs to send email through Mailgun. If you’ve ever had to warm up an IP manually, you know how much it sucks: prep then send specific volumes of email every hour and increase the volume thereafter. You’re an F-Zero pilot, constantly challenging your reflexes – and sweating bullets in the process – because you can hit the brake too late and go overboard. It’s a pain, and it’s also really easy to screw up.

Anton Efimenko
4 min read
  • What's new

How Quickly Can Mailgun Process My Messages? Introducing The Rapid Fire Delivery SLA

This was originally published on November 2, 2017. For big senders, getting a lot of messages out the door in a very short period of time can be especially challenging. Once your message is set up, you want it to reach inboxes in seconds, not hours, and we want to make sure that happens.

Josh Odom
6 min read
  • What's new

Analyze And Optimize Engagement With The New Campaigns

This was originally announced on March 28, 2017. Today we’re excited to introduce our new campaigns feature. Campaigns give developers and product teams the ability to better understand the performance and engagement of the messages that are being sent through Mailgun.

Josh Odom
3 min read
  • What's new

Product Update: Dashboard UI Improvements

Our goal is to make things easier for developers, so we work on features that will enable our users to do things quickly and more effectively.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • For devs

Mailgun Docs Are Now Open-Source

Initially posted on January 24, 2014. We like open-source software a lot, and we’ve open-sourced some of our code recently like our MIME parsing and email validation libraries. Today, we’re letting you know that we’ve also open sourced our documentation.

Mailgun Team
1 min read
  • For devs

We Just Open Sourced Flanker, Our Python Email Address And Mime Parsing Library

Back in June, we released our address validation service Guardpost. Since then many Mailgun customers have been using Guardpost to validate their email addresses and reduce their false signups as well as bounce rates.

Mailgun Team
5 min read

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