Showing post with tag: PHP

  • For devs

How to Improve the Way WordPress Websites Send Email

Is there a better way to send emails through WordPress? Find out why the default method could cause deliverability and server issues. Plus, get insights into how to use a viable, open-source alternative.

Konstantin Kovshenin
7 min read
  • Customer Success

Sending Email Using The Mailgun PHP API

It’s been a while since the Mailgun PHP SDK came around, and we’ve seen lots of changes: new functionalities, new integrations built on top, new API endpoints…yet the core of PHP is the same. Since it was the first SDK for the Mailgun API, it’s had time to mature and go through iterations that make it easy to use – which we realized when we gave it a try.

Mailgun Community
5 min read
  • Email DIY

Growth Email Hacks: Dynamic Images In Emails

The best way to engage with your audience is to provide interesting and helpful content relevant to them. A highly tailored transactional email is a great avenue to obtain engagement success with your audience.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • Best Practices

Double Opt-In via PHP With Mailgun

Custom signup form with Mailgun Creating a signup with Mailgun can be trivial. I receive tons of messages from people asking me to write a tutorial on how to do this in PHP so here it is.

Orlando Kalossakas
5 min read
  • For devs

How To Quickly Bake Mailgun With PHP

When I started coding, I remember debating whether I would want to learn ASP.NET vs PHP. I read thousands of bulletin boards on threads about each language to help me make my decision.

Orlando Kalossakas
4 min read
  • Email DIY

Inbound Email Routing In PHP

Sending email is certainly the most known feature to Mailgun’s users but Mailgun can do much more than just sending emails and tracking analytics.

Orlando Kalossakas
4 min read
  • What's new

The PHP SDK: The First Of Many Official Mailgun SDKs

Today, we’re happy to announce that for PHP developers, it’s even easier to send messages with Mailgun! Over the past few weeks, we’ve been busy working on SDKs for the Mailgun API. The SDK allows you to easily interact with our API by yanking all the boiler plate code necessary to interact with an HTTP web service. Today, we’re releasing the PHP version of the SDK. Additional languages will follow soon.

Mailgun Team
3 min read

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