Showing post with tag: Phishing

  • Security

3 Secure Email Gateway Holes You Need to Close

Whether you’re working from home or rejoicing in the return to your spinny desk chair, one thing is certain: email lives on. That's why it should come as no surprise that threat actors use email to deliver malware in nearly every case of a reported cyber-attack: 94% of cases, to be precise.

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Security

Common Phishing Email Warning Signs

In case you need a refresher, phishing emails are emails that spoof legitimate businesses to gain your personal information. These emails lead to a landing page that asks you to input your personal data like your login or social security number, thus collecting your info.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • Security

Caught In A Phishing Line – What We Do And How You Can Protect Yourself

We’re not going to beat around the bush – phishing sucks. It sucks to fall for a phishing attempt, and it sucks to have phishers pose as you. We can go on and on about how to protect yourself from phishing (and don’t worry, we will by the end of this post), but we stopped and thought – have we ever talked about how phishing happens from our perspective?

Natalie Hays
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Protecting Your Domain Reputation With DMARC

As someone who works in this wonderful world of email, I can tell you there are a few things that just make life miserable for everyone: spammers and phishers. The interwebz is still the preferred platform for business and social interactions, so of course, there’s more incentive for bad actors to target users for their own financial gain. Let’s look at the stupid easy ways bad actors can lure us into a trap, and how we can stop getting pwned by spammers.

Jonathan Torres
6 min read
  • Security

Inside The Seedy Underworld Of Spammers And Phishers

This week we announced some improvements to our reputation algorithm which helps us fight spam while still welcoming new customers without setting arbitrary sending limits.

Mailgun Team
9 min read

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