Showing post with tag: Opt-In

  • Email DIY

What’s Cool About COIL

In terms of opt-in options, you probably think you’ve got them down. But we’re here to introduce you to the overlooked sibling of the family: Confirmed Opt-In Lite. While not yet as famous as the rest, it’s a great way to combine the benefits of rapid list growth of the single opt-in process and the email address validity check of the double opt-in process.

Alexandre Zibrick
8 min read
  • What's new

Sending to the Wrong Segment - Misfit Email Series

Every once in a while, something happens, and they may end up sending to the wrong segmented list of recipients. Bad things tend to follow when this happens, and that sends senders into a panic.

Cameron Henry
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Double Opt-In via PHP With Mailgun

Custom signup form with Mailgun Creating a signup with Mailgun can be trivial. I receive tons of messages from people asking me to write a tutorial on how to do this in PHP so here it is.

Orlando Kalossakas
5 min read

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