Showing post with tag: Mailgun

  • For devs

Introducing The Mailgun Module For Drupal

This post was contributed by Jeffrey Chen at Peano Inc. One thing Mailgun and Drupal have in common is that they’re both developer-centric services, making it extremely easy to extend and build on top of their structure and APIs.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Product Update: Dashboard UI Improvements

Our goal is to make things easier for developers, so we work on features that will enable our users to do things quickly and more effectively.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Default API Version Now V3

This was originally announced on March 23, 2015. We’ve made several performance and stability enhancements to our API recently. Because of the significance of the changes and also to keep our API consistent, we’re changing the default base URL to /v3.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

GHOST Mitigated And Our Patching Methodology

Mailgun has completed patching all of our infrastructure against the recently announced GHOST security vulnerability.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • For devs

How To Quickly Bake Mailgun With PHP

When I started coding, I remember debating whether I would want to learn ASP.NET vs PHP. I read thousands of bulletin boards on threads about each language to help me make my decision.

Orlando Kalossakas
4 min read
  • For devs

How We Moved Our Engineering Blog From WordPress To Ghost

This was posted on September 24, 2014. At Mailgun we recently migrated our blog from WordPress to Ghost. We really like the simplicity, writing experience and speed that Ghost offers.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun On Performance Cloud Servers

This was posted on August 28, 2014. Until recently, Mailgun has been in a managed colo environment hosted by our parent company, Rackspace, using bare metal servers.

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • For devs

Ghost And Mailgun Integration Made Easier

Meet Ghost Ghost is a project conceptualized by John O’Nolan and Hannah Wolfe to reboot the experience behind writing content on the web. It is a blogging platform focused on making writing pleasurable

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • For devs

Mission To Mars – PyCon 2014

We had a blast at PyCon 2013 with our giant email-powered Nerf gun. It was a big crowd-pleaser and for PyCon 2014, we wanted to do something even cooler. So of course, it was obvious that we should start with… a vacuum cleaner. This blog shows you how we went from vacuum cleaner to Mars Rover and ended up having a great time again this year at PyCon.

Mailgun Team
15 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun And Heartbleed

This was reported on April 10, 2014.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • For devs

Mailgun Docs Are Now Open-Source

Initially posted on January 24, 2014. We like open-source software a lot, and we’ve open-sourced some of our code recently like our MIME parsing and email validation libraries. Today, we’re letting you know that we’ve also open sourced our documentation.

Mailgun Team
1 min read
  • For devs

What We Learned Open Sourcing A Major Part Of Mailgun

A few weeks ago, we open sourced Flanker, our MIME parsing and email validation library. We’ve been very happy about the release and the level of interest the Python community has shown. This tweet was typical of what we’ve heard since the release:

Mailgun Team
6 min read

25 - 36 out of 54 items

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