Showing post with tag: Mailgun Community

  • Events

Meet Our Amazing Pathwire Mavericks!

At Pathwire, we know that good work and great rewards don’t just come from our team. They also come from our passionate, tireless users – people who solve the hard problems, strengthen our community, and share their expertise freely. Read more...

Mary Dolan
9 min read
  • What's new

International Women’s Day: How Pathwire’s Female Leaders Choose To Challenge

Today is so much more than the start of another week – it’s International Women’s Day! It’s a day to celebrate all the accomplishments of women across the globe (big or small) and to push for more and better. At every moment, women around the world are choosing to challenge expectations, misconceptions, and their own limitations at work and outside work – and the amazing women of Pathwire are no different.

Beatriz Redondo Tejedor
10 min read
  • What's new

Mailpets: For The Love Of Animals

For almost two years now, Mailgun has posted a pet picture onto our social media accounts on Fridays. #Furbabyfriday, as it was dubbed by me, has somehow become a tradition within those two years, alongside the enduring Mailpets channel. It’s crazy to think about what I thought would be a short-lived social media campaign turned into a culture staple that’s still going strong today.

Natalie Hays
3 min read
  • What's new

The Mailgun Maverick Program Is Here!

There’s nothing like an anniversary to make us feel like our community is the best of the best, and Mailgun is celebrating a pretty big one—10 years of helping hundreds of thousands of leading brands and loyal users around the world send billions of emails. But we didn’t get there alone. Our success was built on the mavericks who helped us grow and innovate. And, as we look to the future, we want to continue to grow our community by recognizing and celebrating passionate Mailgun users.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • Events

Force for Change: It's Time to Speak Out

There are moments when it becomes necessary to speak out and come together as a force for change.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • Quick tips

HTTP Crash Course

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, and it’s a mechanism used to transfer data across the internet between clients (computers, laptops, phones, etc.) and servers.

Mailgun Community
5 min read
  • Customer Success

Sending Email Using The Mailgun PHP API

It’s been a while since the Mailgun PHP SDK came around, and we’ve seen lots of changes: new functionalities, new integrations built on top, new API endpoints…yet the core of PHP is the same. Since it was the first SDK for the Mailgun API, it’s had time to mature and go through iterations that make it easy to use – which we realized when we gave it a try.

Mailgun Community
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Building Email Lists Of Contacts That (Actually) Want To Hear From You

This post was written and contributed by our friends at Ongage. You have a large list of subscribers that opted-in to receive your stuff. All potential customers – so naturally you want to send them everything you’ve got: daily content pieces, offers and discounts, a little Grumpy Cat, too. It’s gonna be great!

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Email DIY

Mailgun For Non-Devs: Leveraging An Email Marketing Platform

This guest post comes from Ongage, a front-end email marketing platform that integrates nicely with ESPs like Mailgun and empowers you to do some seriously advanced things with your marketing emails.

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • Email DIY

A Practical Guide To Using Mailgun’s Webhooks

This guest post comes from Opeyemi Obembe, a Mailgun customer based in Nigeria. When we saw Opeyemi’s tutorial on how to set up webhooks, we knew we needed to share it with you. Not only is Opeyemi’s methodology rock solid, but he’s the type of developer we love supporting.

Mailgun Team
8 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Remains The Most Effective Marketing Platform

This article was written and contributed by Rod Ussing at With the explosive growth of social media, some marketers have started to question whether email is still relevant to online marketing. Indeed, it’s not uncommon to see blog posts entitled “Email is Dead!” To examine this dramatic claim, let us take a look at the current status of email in marketing, and review a few facts along the way.

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Best Practices For Successful Email Delivery

This article was written and contributed by Rod Ussing at Composing good email is important but making sure it successfully reaches your recipients is critical. So many well-intended messages end up in spam (60% in a recent analysis). We talked a lot about the relationship between reputation and deliverability in our last post. Let’s talk about how to get your email into recipients’ inboxes reliably.

Mailgun Team
8 min read

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