Showing post with tag: Holidays

  • Quick tips

Tips for Building Better Holiday Email Templates

Businesses wait until the last minute to get their Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or Christmas/New Years deals out the door and into as many inboxes as possible. While it's important to start thinking about your email marketing tactics sooner rather than later, sometimes it can't be helped. Before you send out that holiday email blast to the masses, there are few things you should double-check to keep your sender reputation in the green this holiday season. 

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • Best Practices

The Best Time to Send Holiday Emails - Investigated

First off, there is no one size fits all solution to the best time to send holiday emails. A lot of your email sending success is going to hinge on the composition of your email list. Even then, you can't send an email to an entire email list that will land at the top of the inbox for everyone.

Natalie Hays
4 min read
  • What's new

Spooky Sending - Halloween 2019

Halloween is here again to fright and delight everyone from the marketer to the developer.

Natalie Hays
2 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Festivus — The Airing Of Grievances For Black Friday Marketing Emails

The holidays are right around the corner — whether you like that cliché statement or not. While everyone is out enjoying their various festivities, we decided to celebrate a little differently this year. Mailgun Festivus is upon us! Before you ask, no, we don’t have an unadorned aluminum pole… yet. However, we felt like we should kick things off early and kick things off right. It’s time to start the airing of grievances.

Ashley Rodriguez
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Black Friday & Cyber Monday: 5 Tips To Stand Out In A Crowded Inbox During The Holidays

Stores are busting out wreaths and giant bows. Santas are sitting in shopping malls. There’s a faint chill in the air (or at least that’s what we’re told; we’re based in Texas).

Nicole Jacobson
8 min read

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