Showing post with tag: Email Burst

  • Best Practices

COVID-19 Email Communications Dos and Don’ts

As COVID-19 expands rapidly across the globe, we are observing more brands try to send email communications to their subscribers about the pandemic and how it is impacting their business. Even though all brands are affected one way or another, certain industries need to send critical updates to their customers, such as travel, hospitality, and the entertainment industry, with regards to cancelations, refund policies, and change fees.

Kate Nowrouzi
4 min read
  • Quick tips

Email Burst Dos And Don’ts

Email burst sending is something that more and more people are asking about as their email lists grow. It beats sending multiple emails, rewriting or copying the subject line of the email, the email body, and email attachments for numerous iterations of the same email are annoying and time-consuming.

Mailgun Team
3 min read

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