Showing post with tag: Email Authentication

  • Guides

Implementing Dmarc – A Step-by-Step Guide

DMARC is not just a record, it’s a process of organizing your email program to keep spoofers from impersonating you. Follow these steps to get set up:

Phil Adams
11 min read
  • Best Practices

The Science and Art of Gmail Deliverability

Gmail inboxes generally make up over 50% of a marketer’s email list. Given that data, it’s highly advisable to set up your current sending infrastructure and strategy to maximize your deliverability with Gmail. That said, Gmail has a highly sophisticated email system, but we have a good idea about what works.

Kate Nowrouzi
7 min read
  • Email DIY

The Basics of SPF Records

What do you think of when you think of the term SPF? If you’re new to email, it probably makes you think of sunblock (it’s June, so we should probably put some on). But, as it turns out, there’s another type of SPF protection that’s a little more relevant to the email industry: SPF records.

Mary Dolan
6 min read
  • Email DIY

Understanding DKIM: How It Works and Why It's Necessary

As email usage and capabilities continue to grow, it’s important to make sure that your sender reputation is staying positive and secure. One of the best ways to do this is to use DKIM (short for DomainKeys Identified Mail). If the idea of yet another email acronym is throwing you off, don’t be alarmed. We’ll walk through the basics–and benefits—of DKIM to illuminate its purpose and value to sender organizations.

Mary Dolan
6 min read
  • Best Practices

My Email Isn’t Authentic Enough - Misfit Email Series

Recently, I was asked a question; “What if my mail isn’t authentic enough?” Today, I’ll walk through potential problems and solutions of improper email authentication, so pull up a chair and get comfy.

Levi Trejo
8 min read
  • Best Practices

What Is BIMI? More Than A Funny Name

If I told you there was a way you could gain more trust with your recipients for free, you’d be on board, right? It’s easy to understand why people jump at the opportunity to increase their brand reputation because the relationship between your brand and your recipients is extremely important. The more your recipients trust your brand, the more likely they will engage with your messaging.

Nick Schafer
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Authentication: Your ID Card For Sending

As a Technical Account Manager at Mailgun, I’m constantly talking to my customers about various deliverability and good sender best practices — one of those being email authentication.

Levi Trejo
8 min read
  • Email DIY

Build Laravel 5.7 Email Authentication With Mailgun And Digital Ocean

The newly released Laravel version 5.7 adds a new capability to verify user’s emails. If you’ve ever run php artisan make:auth within a Laravel app you’ll know the feeling of pleasure and excitement when you see all of your register and login pages,

Mailgun Team
5 min read

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