Showing post with tag: Domain Reputation

  • Email DIY

How to Conduct a Comprehensive Email Deliverability Audit

Find out how to check email deliverability with a full-scale audit of your reputation, infrastructure, and campaign content. Improve your deliverability rates.

Kasey Steinbrinck
18 min read
  • What's new

Catch-All Domain Support Is Now Available In Email Validations

Here at Mailgun, our focus has always been on creating solutions that solve problems big and small… and this philosophy doesn’t stop at email validations. We wanted to make it easier to identify different types of addresses through our validation services, and we are pleased to announce that catch-all domain support is now available through Mailgun email validations.

Peter Trinder
4 min read
  • Best Practices

The Science and Art of Gmail Deliverability

Gmail inboxes generally make up over 50% of a marketer’s email list. Given that data, it’s highly advisable to set up your current sending infrastructure and strategy to maximize your deliverability with Gmail. That said, Gmail has a highly sophisticated email system, but we have a good idea about what works.

Kate Nowrouzi
7 min read
  • Best Practices

Domain Warmup and Reputation: Stretch Before You Send

So, you wanted to send out a lot of emails but found that when you did, a lot of them either ended up undelivered or in the spam folder. Sounds like you need a warmup.

Renate Burns
6 min read
  • Best Practices

Epic Rep Battle – Marketing Versus Transactional Emails

Imagine this scenario — you’re a sender that is sending massive amounts of email left and right from the same domain without a care in the world about reputation. I bet you would feel like all that email will help warm your IP, right? Get yourself a good reputation with ISPs?

Natalie Hays
6 min read
  • Best Practices

Protecting Your Domain Reputation With DMARC

As someone who works in this wonderful world of email, I can tell you there are a few things that just make life miserable for everyone: spammers and phishers. The interwebz is still the preferred platform for business and social interactions, so of course, there’s more incentive for bad actors to target users for their own financial gain. Let’s look at the stupid easy ways bad actors can lure us into a trap, and how we can stop getting pwned by spammers.

Jonathan Torres
6 min read
  • Best Practices

Domain Reputation or IP Reputation: Which One Does Gmail Care About More?

We often compare email reputation to a credit score. The better your sender score, the more likely your email will get delivered.

Chris Farmer
5 min read
  • Customer Success

Behind The Scene At Jungle Disk: Reliable Email Communications With Mailgun

At Jungle Disk we provide data security to protect businesses from accidents and attacks by defending their networks and backing up their data. As a SaaS business, one of our primary communication channels with our customers is over email and deliverability matters which is why we use Mailgun with multiple unique IP addresses and individual email sending sub-domains for different activities.

Bret Piatt
4 min read
  • Best Practices

Why Sending Email Isn’t Enough

Written and contributed by Nick Schafer, our Deliverability Engineer. When you think about the reputation of your business, customer service and product quality are key attributes that come to mind. Email communication practices can also contribute to the reputation of a business. For the purpose of this post, I’d like to deep dive into email reputation.

Mailgun Team
9 min read
  • Best Practices

The Art Of Inboxing

Email has changed the world because of its openness, ubiquity and asynchronicity. Unfortunately, these traits also attract malicious users that are out to abuse the beauty of the SMTP protocol.

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Customer Success

Behind The Scene At Jungle Disk: Reliable Email Communications With Mailgun

At Jungle Disk we provide data security to protect businesses from accidents and attacks by defending their networks and backing up their data. As a SaaS business, one of our primary communication channels with our customers is over email and deliverability matters which is why we use Mailgun with multiple unique IP addresses and individual email sending sub-domains for different activities.

Bret Piatt
4 min read

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