Showing post with tag: Domain

  • What's new

Catch-All Domain Support Is Now Available In Email Validations

Here at Mailgun, our focus has always been on creating solutions that solve problems big and small… and this philosophy doesn’t stop at email validations. We wanted to make it easier to identify different types of addresses through our validation services, and we are pleased to announce that catch-all domain support is now available through Mailgun email validations.

Peter Trinder
4 min read
  • Email DIY

The Basics of Email Subdomains

When it comes to email sending, sometimes you need more than the press of a button to get your message across. You may have heard of email subdomains, but you may be wondering - how do you use them? And, wait a minute, what exactly are they?

Nick Lafferty
6 min read
  • Best Practices

The Science and Art of Gmail Deliverability

Gmail inboxes generally make up over 50% of a marketer’s email list. Given that data, it’s highly advisable to set up your current sending infrastructure and strategy to maximize your deliverability with Gmail. That said, Gmail has a highly sophisticated email system, but we have a good idea about what works.

Kate Nowrouzi
7 min read
  • Quick tips

Quick Tips to Getting Started with Mailgun

We’ve all been where you’re sitting right now. You’ve just finished signing up for Mailgun, the activation email is on its way to your inbox, and you’re poring over our documentation to get a better understanding of how to build the perfect scripts for sending.

Jaik Yanez
6 min read
  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Say Hello To The Domains API

We’ve been quiet for a couple weeks but we have something extra exciting to share today: we’ve just officially released our Domains API to make it easier to build large-scale email systems on top of Mailgun.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Validate DNS Records Using The Domains API

We recently told you about our two newest APIs both in private beta: Domains and Webhooks. We’ve seen a lot of interest so far and gotten some good feedback. Thanks! If you want to try them yourself, just send an email to

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Try Our New Domains API, Now In Private Beta

Recently, we’ve been working on our newest API to make it easier for customers to automate their email. After working with a select set of alpha customers, today we’re ready to extend the API to a larger group of beta testers. So, say hello the Domains API.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Domain-Level Webhooks And Reputation System Improvements

This week’s main theme was webhooks and we’ve got an exciting (and much requested) new feature to announce: domain-level webooks. In addition, we’ve been focused on improving our reputation system to catch spammers and scammers before they can do their damage.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • Customer Success

How Kanban2go Fulfills Zawinski’s Law

This customer blog post is written by Damon Cali. Damon is the owner of Ninth Yard, the makers of TrackJumper, a simple web-based bug tracking application. He is also the lead web developer for kanban2go.

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Customer Success

How Ruby-Based DNSimple Uses Mailgun’s API To Create & Configure Domains For Email Forwarding

This post is written by Anthoy Eden, founder and developer, at DNSimple. DNSimple is the hassle-free way to manage all of your domains in a single place without having to click through 10 screens of upsells to complete a simple purchase.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • Customer Success

How Kanban2go Fulfills Zawinski’s Law

This customer blog post is written by Damon Cali. Damon is the owner of Ninth Yard, the makers of TrackJumper, a simple web-based bug tracking application. He is also the lead web developer for kanban2go.

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Customer Success

How Ruby-Based DNSimple Uses Mailgun’s API To Create & Configure Domains For Email Forwarding

This post is written by Anthoy Eden, founder and developer, at DNSimple. DNSimple is the hassle-free way to manage all of your domains in a single place without having to click through 10 screens of upsells to complete a simple purchase.

Mailgun Team
4 min read

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