Showing post with tag: Documentation

  • For devs

Mailgun Hack Day: Making Our API Documentation Smarter

Each month our team has the opportunity to hack on whatever it is we want to hack on. A fun way to learn something new, collaborate with different team members or just tidy up something that has been bugging us.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • For devs

Mailgun Docs Are Now Open-Source

Initially posted on January 24, 2014. We like open-source software a lot, and we’ve open-sourced some of our code recently like our MIME parsing and email validation libraries. Today, we’re letting you know that we’ve also open sourced our documentation.

Mailgun Team
1 min read
  • For devs

XML Over HTTP Mailgun API

Humble beginnings, right? Check out our documentation for updated language coverage.

Mailgun Team
1 min read

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