Showing post with tag: Blacklists

  • Best Practices

Not All The Best DNS Blocklists Are Created Equal

The word “blocklist” can almost seem like something out of a movie—a little dramatic, a little silly, and a little bit unreal. Unfortunately, in the real world, blocklists are definitely something you need to be mindful of… especially when it comes to your email program. In this post, we’ll tell you a little more about blocklists and how to avoid their drama.

Nick Schafer
5 min read
  • What's new

Sending to the Wrong Segment - Misfit Email Series

Every once in a while, something happens, and they may end up sending to the wrong segmented list of recipients. Bad things tend to follow when this happens, and that sends senders into a panic.

Cameron Henry
5 min read
  • What's new

Well, This Is Awkward — Dealing With A Sudden Blocklisting

“This sucks. Blocklists suck. What is going on over at Barracuda? What did I do? This isn’t right!” – Senders and ESPs everywhere this past week.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • Best Practices

Domain Reputation or IP Reputation: Which One Does Gmail Care About More?

We often compare email reputation to a credit score. The better your sender score, the more likely your email will get delivered.

Chris Farmer
5 min read
  • Security

FML, I Didn’t Send That! What To Do If Spam Gets Sent From Your Account

There are only a couple things worse than mall shopping on Christmas Eve. Your holiday party getting crashed by really bad guys Your account getting compromised by a malicious spammer For number 1, there’s Bruce Willis.

Ashley Rodriguez
3 min read
  • Security

FML, I Didn’t Send That! What To Do If Spam Gets Sent From Your Account

There are only a couple things worse than mall shopping on Christmas Eve. Your holiday party getting crashed by really bad guys Your account getting compromised by a malicious spammer For number 1, there’s Bruce Willis.

Ashley Rodriguez
3 min read
  • Best Practices

FML, I’m On An Email Blocklist. What Do I Do?

The holidays already come with mounting anxiety. Will I find a Nintendo Switch for the kids? Your mom’s going to stay here for how long?! Will there be eggnog? So when you find either your domain name or IP address on an email blocklist, it’s easy to overreact.

Travis Walton
5 min read

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