Showing post with tag: API

  • What's new

Weekly Product Update: Try Our New Domains API, Now In Private Beta

Recently, we’ve been working on our newest API to make it easier for customers to automate their email. After working with a select set of alpha customers, today we’re ready to extend the API to a larger group of beta testers. So, say hello the Domains API.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • Customer Success

How Ruby-Based DNSimple Uses Mailgun’s API To Create & Configure Domains For Email Forwarding

This post is written by Anthoy Eden, founder and developer, at DNSimple. DNSimple is the hassle-free way to manage all of your domains in a single place without having to click through 10 screens of upsells to complete a simple purchase.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • For devs

Mailgun API 2.0: Forget MIME!

Good news everyone! Mailgunners been in the lab, keyboards in hands, trying to get some code off – and now Mailgun 2.0 is out. Today we are starting a short series of blog posts that tell you about all the exciting features we have built.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • For devs

XML Over HTTP Mailgun API

Humble beginnings, right? Check out our documentation for updated language coverage.

Mailgun Team
1 min read
  • What's new

New Mailgun Build Is Out

There have been several builds since then, but we’re thankful for our beginnings! This was posted on November 10, 2010.

Mailgun Team
1 min read
  • Customer Success

How Ruby-Based DNSimple Uses Mailgun’s API To Create & Configure Domains For Email Forwarding

This post is written by Anthoy Eden, founder and developer, at DNSimple. DNSimple is the hassle-free way to manage all of your domains in a single place without having to click through 10 screens of upsells to complete a simple purchase.

Mailgun Team
4 min read

25 - 30 out of 30 items

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