Showing post with tag: Analytics

  • Best Practices

COVID-19 Survey: How the Pandemic Has Affected Email Sending

How has COVID-19 affected email sending? We surveyed hundreds of senders to find out how brands have adapted their email strategy during the pandemic.

Mary Dolan
11 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Bounce Rates: Shifting Focus Away From Failure

Oh, the elusive email bounce rate, the bane of email marketers everywhere. Everyone is eager to crack the code of email bounces and say what the ideal rate should be for any given sender. It’s easy to understand why given that you want your emails to land in the inbox and have great deliverability. More bounces mean fewer emails in the inbox, and that leaves just about any sender diving deep into their analytics to figure out what went wrong.

Mailgun Team
4 min read
  • What's new

Is Your A/B Test Bullshit?

Easy as pie? Everybody knows about A/B tests; You have version A and version B and want to know which one is better. You show some people version A and some people version B. They either like the version or they don’t, and whichever version gets more likes wins. Pretty simple, right?

Sergey Obukhov
6 min read
  • Email DIY

Tags Explained: Gaining Useful Insights From Email Segmentation

Companies often use the same sending domains or IP addresses to send various types of messages. While this is a really convenient way to send messages, it can be hard to figure out how each discrete message type is performing. This is where the idea of tagging or categorizing your emails comes into play.

Josh Odom
5 min read
  • Customer Success

How Ruby-Based Vero Uses Mailgun’s Campaign Analytics API To Deliver And Track Personalized And Scalable Marketing Campaigns

I’m Chris, one of the co-founders of Vero. We’re an email remarketing company: we make it easy for online businesses to track exactly what their customers do and turn these behaviors into emails that drive real conversions.

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • Email DIY

Mailgun Campaign Analytics: Taking Analytics Beyond Bulk Email

UPDATE: We’ve made some meaty, awesome changes to analytics, and this post is pretty useless. But we’ve kept it up because we believe in iteration and showing off our humble beginnings. Here’s a more relevant post about Mailgun’s new and improved analytics.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • What's new

Santa Came To Mailgun Early. Everyone Gets New Logs.

Mailgunners are in the spirit of the season and wanted to give you a little holiday gift – new and improved Logs!

Mailgun Team
1 min read
  • What's new

Event Notification Callbacks

The beginnings of our analytics — we’ve come a long way! This post is from June 2011, check out our analytics page for more details.

Mailgun Team
1 min read
  • Customer Success

How Ruby-Based Vero Uses Mailgun’s Campaign Analytics API To Deliver And Track Personalized And Scalable Marketing Campaigns

I’m Chris, one of the co-founders of Vero. We’re an email remarketing company: we make it easy for online businesses to track exactly what their customers do and turn these behaviors into emails that drive real conversions.

Mailgun Team
5 min read

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