
Insights from the Mailgun team

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  • For devs

Introducing A Cross-Platform Debugger For Go

We use Go for a lot of our server development here at Mailgun, and it’s great. Coming from Python, though, there is one thing I really missed:

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • What's new

Default API Version Now V3

This was originally announced on March 23, 2015. We’ve made several performance and stability enhancements to our API recently. Because of the significance of the changes and also to keep our API consistent, we’re changing the default base URL to /v3.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • For devs

Mailing List Subscription And Post Notification Plugin For WordPress

This is a guest post contributed by Mailgun customer, Ian Smith, CEO of FedSmith Inc, a free news website for the federal workforce.

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • For devs

Mailgun Hack Day: Making Our API Documentation Smarter

Each month our team has the opportunity to hack on whatever it is we want to hack on. A fun way to learn something new, collaborate with different team members or just tidy up something that has been bugging us.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

GHOST Mitigated And Our Patching Methodology

Mailgun has completed patching all of our infrastructure against the recently announced GHOST security vulnerability.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Product Update: Message Timeline And Improvements To Event Logs

One of the features we get complimented on a lot is our logs. Using our logs as a developer, you are able to understand what is happening to the messages you send and easily troubleshoot technical issues.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • Best Practices

The Art Of Inboxing

Email has changed the world because of its openness, ubiquity and asynchronicity. Unfortunately, these traits also attract malicious users that are out to abuse the beauty of the SMTP protocol.

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Customer Success

Causes Sees 20% Increase In Clicks With Mailgun

We love to hear great stories from our customers. We couldn’t be more thrilled to be the email automation engine behind such a great cause, well many causes that is. Mailgun customer, Causes,

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • Email DIY

Growth Email Hacks: Dynamic Images In Emails

The best way to engage with your audience is to provide interesting and helpful content relevant to them. A highly tailored transactional email is a great avenue to obtain engagement success with your audience.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • Best Practices

Double Opt-In via PHP With Mailgun

Custom signup form with Mailgun Creating a signup with Mailgun can be trivial. I receive tons of messages from people asking me to write a tutorial on how to do this in PHP so here it is.

Orlando Kalossakas
5 min read
  • For devs

How To Quickly Bake Mailgun With PHP

When I started coding, I remember debating whether I would want to learn ASP.NET vs PHP. I read thousands of bulletin boards on threads about each language to help me make my decision.

Orlando Kalossakas
4 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun Post Mortem September 2014

This was reported on October 2, 2014. We want to provide you a full report on the connectivity issues that have afflicted some of our Mailgun customers these past few days.

Mailgun Team
4 min read

253 - 264 out of 359 items

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