
Insights from the Mailgun team

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Email Burst Dos And Don’ts

Email burst sending is something that more and more people are asking about as their email lists grow. It beats sending multiple emails, rewriting or copying the subject line of the email, the email body, and email attachments for numerous iterations of the same email are annoying and time-consuming.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
  • Best Practices

What Is BIMI? More Than A Funny Name

If I told you there was a way you could gain more trust with your recipients for free, you’d be on board, right? It’s easy to understand why people jump at the opportunity to increase their brand reputation because the relationship between your brand and your recipients is extremely important. The more your recipients trust your brand, the more likely they will engage with your messaging.

Nick Schafer
5 min read
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Email List Building From The Ground Up

Oh, email lists, one of our most visited topics ever. Without your list of recipients, your entire email campaigns would be all for naught. Regardless of whether you’re sending an automated onboarding campaign or your latest email marketing push, without a good mailing list, none of that matters.

Natalie Hays
4 min read
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Well, This Is Awkward — Dealing With A Sudden Blocklisting

“This sucks. Blocklists suck. What is going on over at Barracuda? What did I do? This isn’t right!” – Senders and ESPs everywhere this past week.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
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Snack Delivery Machine — Part 2, The Electronics And Tech

Before we get technical, if you haven’t read our previous post about our wonderous snack machine, pop over and check that out first! We bought an off-the-shelf snack dispenser and turned it into a robot, but now it’s time to give it some brains. And by brains, we mean a raspberry pi.

Sean Johnson
4 min read
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Snack Delivery Machine — Part 1, The Mechanics

Hacking on hardware is always fun, and it’s been a while since we’ve created something! In this brief series of blog posts, we are going to make an email controlled snack machine using a dry-food dispenser, a Raspberry Pi, a pair of stepper motors, and a little bit of 3D printing.

Sean Johnson
4 min read
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Email’s Not Dead – Mailgun’s New Podcast

Whenever someone says that they think email is on its way out, we always like asking them if they’ve checked their inbox in the past day. Nine times out of ten they have, so what’s the deal? Email has become so second nature that they forget how often they check it. By no means does that mean email is on its way out. In fact, we’d argue that it means email thriving more than ever.

Thomas Knierien
3 min read
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Email Soft Bounces – The Mysteries Of Failures

If you’ve been keeping up with the blog in the last few months, you’ve probably noticed us talk about email bounces and email bounce rates a lot. These are negative metrics that senders face every day, so we figured it would be good to give a little insight into them. There are two types of bounces: soft bounces and hard bounces.

Mailgun Team
3 min read
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Email Hard Bounces: The Brick Walls Of Failure

We’ve talked a lot about email bounces and email bounce rates as a whole in the past before, but we’ve really only ever dipped our toes into the different types of bounces — hard bounces and soft bounces. Why is that? Well, they’re the smaller components that makeup more complex deliverability issues. A cog in the wheel, a fruit in the basket, a piece of the pie, or whatever other metaphor floats your boat.

Mailgun Team
2 min read
  • What's new

Mailgun now supports AMP for Email

Chances are you’ve probably heard about Google bringing Accelerated Mobile pages (AMP) support for Gmail. AMP gives digital marketers and email senders the ability to create dynamic and actionable emails for their recipients.

Chris Farmer
3 min read
  • What's new

Support Around The Clock — Solving For A 24/7 Support Model

Email issues don’t wait for you to be ready for them; they just happen sometimes. To ensure we’re providing prompt support whenever it’s needed, we have 24/7 coverage to address any urgent issues that arise.

Ben Jeffery
5 min read
  • Best Practices

Email Copy Suggestions That Don’t Suck For Your Deliverability

Whether you like it or not, email copy is an essential part of any email, regardless of if it’s a transactional or marketing message. It’s what gets people to engage with your messages in the first place – everything from the email subject line to the sign off influences your engagements.

Mailgun Team
5 min read

121 - 132 out of 359 items

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