Email DIY

  • Email DIY

How To Promote Strategic Engagement In Your Email Program

The word “engagement” can mean a lot of things. It may be a fancy word you use to spice up various dental and doctor’s appointments. It may mean you’re about to get married (hey, congratulations! Time to celebrate). 💍When it comes to email, however, “engagement” generally means one thing: how your recipients are responding to your messages. And you hope they’re not responding like Ron Swanson.

Mary Dolan
6 min read
  • Email DIY

How To Improve Email Click-Through Rates

We all know that the internet provides the things we want and need with just a few clicks of a button. How many times have you seen ads that promise products, services, and huge “you’re our millionth visitor” prizes that are just one click away? Okay, we’re not saying that you should actually click on those ads—in fact, it’s probably best if you don’t. But the presence and capabilities of these ads does highlight an important concept in email marketing… click-through rates.

Mary Dolan
8 min read
  • Email DIY

The Basics of SPF Records

What do you think of when you think of the term SPF? If you’re new to email, it probably makes you think of sunblock (it’s June, so we should probably put some on). But, as it turns out, there’s another type of SPF protection that’s a little more relevant to the email industry: SPF records.

Mary Dolan
6 min read
  • Email DIY

Dedicated vs Shared IPs: Which One Should You Use?

Ah, IP addresses. We’ve all heard of them, had them, and seen technically questionable movies where actors punch random keys on a computer and say stuff like, “They’re hacking our IP to access the mainframe!” Hollywood magic at its finest. But, as ubiquitous as they may seem, it can be difficult to know which kind of IP is right for you. These IP types are referred to as dedicated IPs and shared IPs, and each type has specific benefits. We’ll get you up to speed on dedicated versus shared IPs, and ensure that you know exactly how they can help you send messages, manage your domain reputation, and maybe even access a mainframe of your very own.

Mary Dolan
6 min read
  • Email DIY

Understanding DKIM: How It Works and Why It's Necessary

As email usage and capabilities continue to grow, it’s important to make sure that your sender reputation is staying positive and secure. One of the best ways to do this is to use DKIM (short for DomainKeys Identified Mail). If the idea of yet another email acronym is throwing you off, don’t be alarmed. We’ll walk through the basics–and benefits—of DKIM to illuminate its purpose and value to sender organizations.

Mary Dolan
6 min read
  • Email DIY

Which SMTP Port Should I Use? Understanding Ports 25, 465, & 587

It's a common question that we receive here at Mailgun about SMTP port numbers. To ensure connectivity to our Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) endpoint, Mailgun offers multiple SMTP port options, but which one should you use to send email messages? We’ll take a historical look at each SMTP port and then we'll discuss today's methodology for outgoing mail usage.

Mailgun Team
7 min read
  • Email DIY

Intelligent Email Forwarding With Mailgun

My email has always been pretty publically available on my website. It’s good practice, and it makes it easy for people to get in touch with me. However, this created a bit of a problem.

Nick Lafferty
4 min read
  • Email DIY

Different ways to build AMP emails

A fair amount of discussion is being dedicated to AMP emails and how dynamic emails will affect email marketing moving forward. All this to say, plenty of senders are starting to consider adding AMP emails to their marketing email campaigns.

Hanna Kuznietsova
5 min read
  • Email DIY

Simplifying the Complex Concept of Email Rendering

When compared to website rendering, email rendering has a different level of complexity.

Kevin George
6 min read
  • Email DIY

Using Data to Build Better Triggered Email Campaigns

Data collection has become an abundance with the multiplex of media channels potential prospects or customers connect with to interface with a business. Our personal favorite channel (no surprise) is email.

Nolan Iriarte
4 min read
  • Email DIY

Build Laravel 5.7 Email Authentication With Mailgun And Digital Ocean

The newly released Laravel version 5.7 adds a new capability to verify user’s emails. If you’ve ever run php artisan make:auth within a Laravel app you’ll know the feeling of pleasure and excitement when you see all of your register and login pages,

Mailgun Team
5 min read
  • Email DIY

Email Address Validation With External Services

Shruti Sridharan is a full stack Salesforce Developer with close to 3 years of experience working on almost every facet of the platform. She often blogs about everything that’s new on the Salesforce platform. Apart from that, Shruti speaks at various conferences, webinars and also leads the Women-in-Tech User Group and Student Group in her hometown. You can reach out to her via her website.

Shruti Sridharan
5 min read

13 - 24 out of 65 items

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