Mailgun's Regions

One Account, Two Regions, Global Service

Send your emails from multiple regions around the world with a single account. We believe you should have control over where your data lives, so we expanded Mailgun’s infrastructure. Mailgun is hosted within both the EU and the US, and you choose which region your data is processed in.

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How It Works

  • 1
    Use Mailgun from anywhere in the world to send, receive, and track emails.
  • 2
    Make life easier with a single account, subscription, invoice, and dashboard to access all your activity.
  • 3
    Choose which region (North America or Europe) you want your message data to be processed by.
  • 4
    Get low-latency, high-performance email delivery.

Estimate Your Price

See what you can accomplish with the world's best email delivery platform – no matter your region. Need more volume or features? Calculate your monthly costs.

What’s Global & What’s Regional?

We separate account data from your domain data, giving you a single account from which to manage domains in both the US and the EU. Only a limited amount of account data is replicated globally. Message data, on the other hand, is tied to your region of choice, and it never leaves the region that it is processed by.

Here’s a quick overview of the type of data that is replicated globally versus what is region-bound:


Account Information User Accounts Billing Details (invoices/plan information) API Keys Domain Names

Region-Bound (US / EU)

Domain Metadata (e.g. SMTP credentials) Messages Event Logs Suppressions Mailing Lists Tags Statistics Routes IP Addresses


Mailgun is fully GDPR compliant and packed with features to give you more control of the data that is stored on our platform.

While the GDPR does not require that EU residents’ personal data be stored in the EU, many companies feel more comfortable keeping this data in the European Union. Our multi-region infrastructure is perfect for these cases. You can easily send, receive and track your emails while complying with your company’s data sovereignty policies.

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