The Most Powerful Email Parsing Engine Available

Easily Process Emails With Inbound Routing Software

Each email that Mailgun posts to your app comes fully parsed and transcoded to UTF-8. It doesn’t get any easier.

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Manage millions of incoming emails

Manage Millions of Incoming Emails

Powerfully smart rules engine lets you manage millions of incoming emails with just a few rules. Forward support tickets to your customer service team, post replies from your users to your app, and get rid of spam entirely.

Once received, our routing engine processes incoming email according to rules you setup, in the exact order you want. You can forward emails to another email address or another endpoint for further processing or storing.

Mailgun's email routing is a powerful feature that is available starting on our Foundation plan. View plans and pricing here.

Email API Routes

"Mailgun makes it easy to build and manage a large-scale email marketing application with thousands of customers sending millions of emails"

Learn from their Success
Chris Hexton
Chris Hexton

CEO, Vero

Email Routes
  • 1
    Turn Emails Into Structured Data

    We turn your email into structured data, ready for you to grab. Email data is messy. By combining Mailgun’s advanced email parsing with temporary storage for up to 3 days, you can retrieve all your apps incoming email when it is convenient for you.

    No more bombarding your server with large attachments. Don’t worry about missed webhooks if your server is down.

  • 2
    Strip Out Signatures and Quoted Replies

    Our advanced algorithms can detect and remove signature blocks and quoted replies from your emails.

    We provide you the stripped text & HTML part in the JSON payload, so if that’s all you need, that’s all you have to do.

And There's More

Other Great Features of Mailgun Inbound Processing

  • 1
    Matching on all email headers (e.g. subject, from:, cc:) and recipients
  • 2
    Ability to chain together multiple filters to provide sophisticated expressions
  • 3
    Text-part generation from HTML-only emails
  • 4
    Optionally receive raw MIME message
  • 5
    All messages encoded to UTF-8 automatically
  • 6
    Free spam filtering
  • 7
    Easy testing of webhook endpoints
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It's easy to get started. And it's free.

See what you can accomplish with the world's best email delivery platform.

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